1.“If we wish to engage in honest, effective and efficient politics, we need to see the truth as it is. We need to speak the truth. If we have not achieved the ability to speak truth, we cannot build a democratic system.”

2.“We need to teach the children to dislike those people who take unfair actions. Object all injustice. Ensure that the children are willing to defend the injustice with their own lives. We, ourselves, need to have this kind of attitude.”

3.“There are many types of politicians. Some endeavour for the love of their country. But there are a few others who participate in politics for their own self-interest. And there are those who do politicking for the sake of politics. There are also some politicians who do politics because it is their livelihood. From all of these types, choose to be a politician who endeavours for the love of the country. This politician needs to posses five qualities, namely physical endurance, mental strength, a friendly attitude, as well as character and material strength.”

4.“We need to strive to achieve our goals with righteousness. We have to help others to do the same too. Only then can we carry out higher political works. When we have the ability to carry out higher political work, then we can have high politics.”

5.“Our young future leaders need to have the courage to analyse their own selves and determine whether they are right or wrong. If they are wrong, they need to have the ability to make it right. When the young people of our country are able to analyse their conduct, admit their own mistakes and refrain from committing mistakes in future - - only then will we be able to correct the 26 years of misconduct and mismanagement.”
(Office of the Democratic Party for a New Society, January 17, 1989)

6.“When one wants a position, that is only for one’s self. When one wants to give up position for others, that is for the good of the greater. Thus, try not to want position but rather give up a position for others. Give positions to those who have ability to carry out their duties and to those with good characters.”
(H.Q – HninThaDa, January 24, 1989)

7.“Politics is everyone’s business. For a country to develop and succeed, everyone needs to put in hard work. People need to have good will toward their country. If one is only working for one’s own party or one’s own circle of friends and family, it is not working with good will.” (H.Q - Myitkyina, April 28, 1989)

8.“Please do not be selfish, work for the betterment of people at large. Those who work for the betterment of people would die one day but their name will live on forever. Be afraid of doing wrong and doing that is not right. That’s only two fears that one should have in one’s live.”

9.“If we want the democracy movement to be successful, I would like to implore that we all need to work in unison. A democratic system is a system of people’ governance. If we want to develop/build a democratic system that is governed by the people, then the people of Burma need to participate enthusiastically. At this moment, many are afraid to take part. I understand that, because of the threat of reprisal against the democracy activists, many are afraid to join the movement. That’s why I would like to encourage all to participate with courage and bravery.”

10.“Only when we participate in the democracy movement with enthusiasm, we can obtain our rights quickly. The rights that we want are the very basic human rights that should have been accorded to every human being. We are not asking for these rights to bully or to hurt anyone. We are asking for basic human rights so that everyone in Burma can feel that they are human being. For this reason, everyone should do whatever they can to protect these rights. Push for these very basic rights.”

11.“Only when everyone has the courage to work for, we can reach our goal quickly. If most of us have fear and afraid to work for it, neither National League for Democracy nor other political group can work toward the goal of obtaining democracy quickly.”
(Shan State, Taunggyi Trip)

12.“There are many ways to participate in democracy movement. Protesting is not the only form. If we perform whatever work that needs to be done without the knowledge of others -- that is also another means of participating in the movement.”

13.“If we want more freedom in our country and want to enjoy basic human rights to fullest extent, everyone needs to have interest in politic. Politic should become our hobby. We need to have the courage to do politic and we need to have the desire to do politic.”

14.“Our people of Burma need to unite with each other. Only when we are united can we reach the goal of attaining our country’s advancement/development.”

15.“… I would like to urge not to give up easily and not to feel down hearted. Whatever kind of difficulties or obstacles we may face, believe that we have the courage to overcome these obstacles easily. We, the people of Burma are not of poor quality…”

1 comment:

locos said...

sou do brazil e concordo